Home offices have become one of the most important rooms in the home and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Millions of American workers have had no choice in adapting quickly to a work-from-home environment. The last two years have taught us that how and where we work must rapidly adapt, and most companies have the technology and infrastructure in place to support remote or hybrid jobs. Can your current home office setup cut it?
Read our tips on how to make your home office space feel beautiful and productive.
Make it eye-catching but not distracting
With Zoom meetings the new normal, you want our background to showcase your home, but not detract from a meeting. Think about what you want your space to say about you. Your home office becomes the new entry way for your home. You want your digital guests to feel welcome, as this is now an important first impression.
Customize for your lifestyle
If your home office is just for you, you can decorate and personalize to your heart’s content. If your office is a shared space with a roommate, partner, or spouse, or even children that are learning remotely, your space will take some adjusting. If you don’t already have a dedicated office space, consider bookcases and built-ins in a formal dining room area, and have this work as a flex-space as you put your nose to the grindstone. Add a charging drawer or other power sources so your phone and tablet are always juiced up, and you can move from room to room to free up space or minimize distractions.
If you’re thinking about a remix for your home office set up, why not consult one of our authorized dealers? Click here to find one in your area.